• One year already

    Gaza remembers,Gaza suffocates, Gaza waits

    Ziad Medoukh


    The end of december 2008, the end of december 2009,one year already …

    I won't come back in this article on the 3 awfull weaks lived by the civilian population in Gaza strip  when happened the israelian assault against an innocent area, against a sky opened jail, against an isolated place, walled, a locked population, without any possibility to flee...

    Everyone is free to qualify and to describe with his own words those horrible events  in Gaza :

    war, agression, shelling, slaughter, war crimes, bloody attacks and even savage attakcs... The only words, for me , are, slaughter and crimes made by the 5th world military power against 1million and a half of civilians, against defenseless women and children and old people, against the whole buildings of Gaza strip and with the deepest contempt of internationals condamnations.

    It is very difficult for me , as Gazan,  to describe the courrent situation in Gaza strip a year after the end of the israelian agression, as i can write pages and pages, and even books to evocate only a part of the suffering, pain and sacrifice of the inhabitants always isolated, locked by the blocus and given up although the said free world knows what is happening.

    The words and the expressions slip to talk about all of a population:women, youth, children, old people, ill, workless, wounded people, patients, invalids, all of those who lost during this destructive, slaughter surge, their houses, their goods and above all their relatives and however , keep on resisting on their earth in inhuman conditions, hardly conceivable by an stranger.

    I don't know of which Gaza  i will talk: Gaza the blocus? Gaza the isolation? Gaza the resistance? Gaza the life? Gaza the suffering? Gaza the determination? Gaza the jail? Gaza the slow death? Gaza the sadness? Gaza the darkness? Gaza the opressed? Gaza the stifling? Gaza the powerlessness? Gaza the misfortune? Or Gaza the hope?

    One year already...Gaza late december 2009: one year after those events the Gazan remember-How could they forget?-They remember those 20 days of slaughter never equaled since the israelian occupation in 48. They first and foremost remember their martyrs, more than 1400 felt under the bombs of the israelian air force or the soldiers bullets, they remember the houses, more than 6000, the hospitals, schools, population shelters , destryed by israelian indiscriminat bombies; they remember of the accessory passivity of the international community while the slaughter.
     In the world of humans in 21st century, how this could be?

    One year already, and nothing has changed in Gaza... the  inhuman blocus imposed since more than 3 years tightens its vise, in a more inhuman way in the current situation of the Gazans, the routs which relie Gaza strip on the outside world are opened accounts drops on the israelian army decisive; 80% of the civile population is living with the international food helps when it is allowed, the wounded people and the ill die or wait for the death because it is forbidden to go out to be cured and the hospitals lack of equipement.

    Late december 2009, one year already, and Gaza still survives in the pain, Gaza waits...Gaza always waits for the wake of the international consciouness, Gaza keeps on waiting the application of the international law, Gaza keeps suffering with the only determination to live ... not to die...

    one year and more than 10.000 inhabitants of Gaza still live in tents  beside the their houses ruins because the building materials are forbidden  to get  in, on isrealian military order.

    Gaza, late december 2009, hope eventhough. Its means of hope, as were the powerfull strikes of support worldwide, stay the mobilization of those civilians and the politics worldwide so as to the gouvernements and the decisions making forums of the international community will impose the upbeat of the blocus and the open of the gates so the inhabitants of Gaza will be able to restore their environment...to sew up their injuries; finally for them to hope starting living a normal life in their area, their countries, their villages...

    Gaza, late december 2009, on the eve of the international memorial march: Gaza has enough, Gaza survives day after day, Gaza stifles, Gaza shouts in the international medias silence, Gaza waits, Gaza hopes...Gaza hopes and asks...Palestinians of Gaza hope and ask the come back of their fondamental rights , of their rights to live in the peace path through justice, only justice.
    Gaza and the Palestinians want the peace in freedom and justice.
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